


1.  The situation or social iniquity.

 2.  The "hero's" reaction to the situation.

 3.  The Lord's reply to the "hero's" reaction in the form of a revelation.

 4.  The visions from the Lord, these visions usually in the form of a Theophany, and or Cosmology.

 5.  The "hero" returns from vision to give a "testament and will" to his posterity and mankind.

 6.  The "hero's" mission, the preaching of the word of God.

 7.  The death or martyrdom of the "hero."


experience additional elements to the Apocalyptic Themes

 1.  A Theophany or "first vision" experience, the introduction of Christ by the Father.  This is necessary to      restore the Nature of God and the Necessity of the Atonement.

 2.  The conflict of Satan with the Prophet and his appearance as an "angel of light."

 3.  The participation and restoration of the keys of the priesthood and it=s Afullness@ or the "endowment."





1.  DUALISM:  The good and evil, the light and darkness, and the bliss and woe.

2.  TWO WORLDS:  The spiritual and physical, and life on earth and life in the eternal worlds.

3.  DISPENSATIONS:  Apocalyptic literature is given in regard to a particular time, or prophet  of a given    dispensation.

4.  MESSIAH:  The coming of the Messiah is prophesied.

5.  HISTORICAL REALITIES:  The prophet writing or speaking has a time and place in history.

6.  MILLENNIUM:  The millennial reign of peace is prophesied, a time when "the earth shall rest from her     labors."

7.  MORAL TEACHINGS:  Revelations concerning man's relationship with his God and fellow man.

8.  ATTITUDE TOWARD THE SACRED:  The Temple and its ordinances, and instructions to the "elect."

9.  NATURE OF MAN:  Where did we come from?  Why is man here on the earth? What lies beyond death?

10. UPHEAVALS OF NATURE:  The judgments of God upon man.